TYB 365



DO YOU WANT TO TRASH YOUR BIBLE IN ONE YEAR? THEN THIS ONE IS FOR YOU. Journey this fast paced, fun and fabulous 52 week schedule that encourages you through the books to read it all in one year. It’s not for the faint hearted, but for those ready to take their bible reading to the next level, take up the challenge and jump in today! The list of books below are in the order that you will be reading them, click on the icon and take advantage of the helpful resources for each book as you read your weekly chapters.

The books you will be reading for this plan are listed in order below. Just start at the top.
Print the Weekly planner so you know what chapters you are reading with each book. It will be about 3-5 chapters a day, about 25 chapters a week.
Each week click on the book icon for the Snapshot videos, Dives and Deep Dives that will give you historical context, background and helpful resources to get the most out of your ‘trashing’ time.
Use the Bible Companion to give you ‘trashing tips’ to notice as you read each chapter.
Subscribe to our emails to stay up to date on our resources.


WEEK 1: GENESIS 1 - 25
WEEK 2: GENESIS 26 - 5


Get to know Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, the fathers of our faith and build a strong and solid foundation of who we are and where we came from.


WEEK 3: MATTHEW 1 - 28

the book of instructions

The first book of the New Testament, Matthew is the door between the Old and New. Full of the teachings of Christ and Old Testament scripture, this Jewish natured book guides us through all that Jesus fulfilled as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament.The first book of the New Testament, Matthew is the door between the Old and New. Full of the teachings of Christ and Old Testament scripture, this Jewish natured book guides us through all that Jesus fulfilled as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament.


Week 4: Exodus 1 - 20
Week 5: Exodus 21 - 40


From Egypt and out again: this book takes the people of God from slavery in Egypt to the other side of the Red Sea.


Week 6: John 1 - 21

the book of signs

The most creative writer, John presents the gospel not in chronological order but by showing us the signs that point to Jesus as the fulfillment of the Messianic promises.


Week 7: Leviticus 1 - 27

the book of law

This is a list of laws that the people of the Old testament had to live by.  Read this book and see what it would have been like if God didn’t send Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins.  


Week 8: Mark 1 - 16 & Ephesians 1 - 6


This action-packed gospel, written first of all the gospels, is like a modern day, fast-paced movie. Using the word ‘immediately’ forty-two times, Marks pulls the reader through the life and actions of Christ in such a way that you will feel exhausted by all Jesus accomplished in His three years of ministry.


Week 8: Mark 1 - 16 & Ephesians 1 - 6

identity before warfare

Need some power and help to understand your identity?  Ephesians is all about knowing who you are IN HIM.  Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus, he wants them to know who they are in Christ compared to the strongholds and temples that stand in their city.


Week 9: Romans 1 - 16

this is how we think, the doctrinal letter

Paul has written a letter-essay to present some of the most important doctrinal thoughts in Christianity.  If you need to know what to think about salvation, justification, all Jesus did for us and how that impacts our life, than this book is for you.


Week 10: Numbers 1 - 25
Week 11: Numbers 26 - 36


This book has it all, It begins with a census (it is called Numbers after all), it contains the first attempt to enter the promised land, and then  the beginnings of the wanderings of the wilderness for 40 years.


Week 12: 1 Corinthians 1 - 16


How do the Corinthians balance their freedom in Christ with having boundaries in the Church? Find out in these incredible letters from Paul, where he is passionate and strong in 1 Corinthians, loving and pastoral in 2 Corinthians.

2 corinthians

Week 13: 2 Corinthians 1 -12


How do the Corinthians balance their freedom in Christ with having boundaries in the Church? Find out in these incredible letters from Paul, where he is passionate and strong in 1 Corinthians, loving and pastoral in 2 Corinthians.


Week 14: Philippians, Colossians, Galatians, Psalm 1- 10


This book will restore your joy, but not joy while lying on a beach in the Bahamas but joy in the midst of adversity. Paul writes this letter while in prison and teaches us how to be content in all circumstances.


Week 14: Philippians, Colossians, Galatians, Psalm 1- 10


The letter of Colossians is another letter Paul wrote whilst in prison and like the others, this one packs a punch. Targeting some false teachers that had led the Colossian church astray, Paul is passionate about establishing our faith in Christ alone – not in a ‘higher knowledge’ that these people said they possessed. It was causing division and a wisdom hierarchy in the church, so Paul doesn’t hold back.


Week 14: Philippians, Colossians, Galatians, Psalm 1- 10

the gospel is enough

Paul doesn’t begin this letter in his normal way, but with a declaration: ‘I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ.’ He continues with the same passion the whole way through, showing us how we are called to live life in the Spirit, not by the works of the flesh or under the curse of the Law.

psalm 1- 10

Week 14: Philippians, Colossians, Galatians, Psalm 1- 10

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 15: Deuteronomy 1 - 16
& Psalm 11 - 20


The continuation and final part of the five-part series called the Torah or Pentateuch. Read Moses' final speeches to his people before he dies and they enter the promised land!

psalm 11 - 20

Week 15: Deuteronomy 1 - 16
& Psalm 11 - 20

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.

Deuteronomy part II

Week 16: Deuteronomy 17 - 34


The continuation and final part of the five-part series called the Torah or Pentateuch. Read Moses' final speeches to his people before he dies and they enter the promised land!


Week 17: Joshua 1 - 24

the promised fulfilled

It’s finally time to take the promised land and this book details how they did it. Joshua is a book about courage and strength and if you need some historical might, than you are going to love this book.


Week 18: Judges & Ruth

god’s deliverers

This incredible book is written to remind the people of Israel how faithful God was when he was their King.  Learn from their mistakes as you read Judges and see God rescue them over and over again.


Week 18: Judges & Ruth

loyalty  and love

This beautiful book is set in the time of the Judges when everyone was doing as they saw fit. Coming in contrast we have this beautiful book of a woman who chose loyalty and faithfulness over self preservation to become part of the lineage of David and Jesus.


Week 19: Luke 1 - 24

the orderly account

Luke-Acts are two books but one volume, these orderly accounts are going to satisfy any logical systematic thinker. Luke having investigated everything from the beginning presents his gospel of what Jesus did and said.


Week 20: Acts 1 - 28

the book of power

Luke-Acts are two books but one volume.  Luke continues in Acts presenting an account of what the disciples did and said. Be inspired to live life in the power of the Holy Spirit as you read this incredible book.

1 Samuel

Week 21: 1 Samuel 1 - 31

the final judge and the first king

Meet and get to know Samuel the final Judge of Israel, Saul the first King and King David as he fights for his throne. Intrigue, adultery, murder, incest, sons killing sons, betrayal - television will look boring to you after you read these books.

2 samuel

Week 22: 2 Samuel 1 - 24

the final judge and the first king

Meet and get to know Samuel the final Judge of Israel, Saul the first King and King David as he fights for his throne. Intrigue, adultery, murder, incest, sons killing sons, betrayal - television will look boring to you after you read these books.


Week 23: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 - 3 John & Psalm 21 - 30

faith needs actions

Written by the brother of Jesus, James presents his passionate plea that faith needs actions.  We are called to be people who don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk - be encouraged with passion as you read the book of James.

1&2 peter

Week 23: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 - 3 John & Psalm 21 - 30

the new people of god

These two letters are from Peter, the disciple who never gives up.  He was a part of Jesus inner circle, he saw the miracles, he saw the resurrection, he was at the Day of Pentecost, he met Paul and now he shares his wisdom with us in two short letters that will change your life.

1-3 john

Week 23: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 - 3 John & Psalm 21 - 30

know who you are

These books are John on fire, he is passionate and strong and very black and white. These short letters will take you to another level in your maturity in Christ, giving us the tests of Christian living and the things we should “know.”

psalm 21 - 30

Week 23: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 - 3 John & Psalm 21 - 30

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 24: 1 Kings 1 - 22

the kings and the kingdom

We've survived the intrigue of the books of 1 & 2 Samuel but don't worry, it doesn’t stop there. Keep going as we venture into the third book of this series. This is our history, the good and the bad. As you get involved and adventure through, you will be inspired and warned in your life today.


Week 25: Job 1 - 22
Week 26: Job 23 - 42


Who needs enemies when you have friends like these? Job is a book that so many people have wrestled with. But don’t be discouraged, in this incredible book, you’ll learn all about the supremacy of God in our lives. Listen to Job’s friends as they give him misguided information about the error of his ways, and hear the heart of God as he speaks and puts all their meaningless talk into his perspective.


Week 27: Ecclesiastes 1 - 12 & Song of Songs 1 - 8


Ever had one of those days where everything is going wrong, and you agree with Chicken Little that the sky is, in fact, falling in? The author of Ecclesiastes is having one of those days – everything is meaningless, life is over, and he is feeling discouraged. But the voice of the narrator puts everything into perspective.


Week 27: Ecclesiastes 1 - 12 & Song of Songs 1 - 8


Need a romantic break? Song of Songs is for you! Get lost in the beautiful imagery, metaphors and romance as the author takes us on a journey of his heart towards his beloved. Fall in love with Jesus, fall in love with this incredible book as it stirs the heart of love and passion in you again.

2 kings

Week 28: 2 Kings 1 - 22

the kings and the kingdom

We've survived the intrigue of the books of 1 & 2 Samuel but don't worry, it doesn’t stop there. Keep going as we venture into the third book of this series. This is our history, the good and the bad. As you get involved and adventure through, you will be inspired and warned in your life today.


Week 29: Jonah, Joel, Amos and Hosea

the RUNAWAY prophet

Jonah is not running away because he doesn't want to prophesy - he is running away because he doesn't want God to forgive and save his enemies!  You are going to love this book as you journey through the frustration of Jonah into the whale to see God save the people Jonah hates.


Week 29: Jonah, Joel, Amos and Hosea

in the last days

Not to be missed, this prophetic book contains everything. Focusing on the day of the Lord, the book of Joel shows the power of our God and contains some of the best scriptures that point toward our future. Surrounded by a call for mourning and repentance, this book will stir in you a fresh call to prayer.


Week 29: Jonah, Joel, Amos and Hosea


This powerful book shows the heart of God against pride, arrogance and corruption in his own people and the heart of the prophet that changed God’s mind.


Week 29: Jonah, Joel, Amos and Hosea


I won’t lie to you, this prophet is incredibly strange but wow, what a commitment to the symbolic and prophetic message that God gave him! Hosea outworks his prophetic message through his life and demonstrates the message of forgiveness in his marriage and his family as a symbol of God’s forgiveness to Israel.


Week 30: Isaiah 1 - 39
Week 31: Isaiah 40 - 66


With some of the most inspiring and imagery-dense prophetic words in the Bible, you are going to love the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah prophesies to the kings of Israel, warning them of the coming exile if they continue in their rebellion. Did they listen? No, they didn’t!


Week 32: Obadiah 1 - 21

our powerful god

Have you ever wondered if God has seen the bad things that have happened to you? This short book, the shortest in the Old Testament will show you that God sees everything.


Week 33: Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk & Psalm 31 - 40


As the prophet who doesn’t care much about chronological order or structure, Micah is a book of prophecies he wrote, in no particular order. But don’t be fooled by the randomness of this book. Restore your heart as we hear that God is faithful and loves His people and will restore them.


Week 33: Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk & Psalm 31 - 40


This small prophetic book packs a punch. The seventh book of the twelve minor prophets, Nahum shows us how God feels about the enemies of his people, and again, it’s Nineveh. Twenty years after Jonah prophesied over them, they are in trouble again.


Week 33: Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk & Psalm 31 - 40


Zephaniah was a relative of King Hezekiah and most likely King Josiah. Prophesying to his relatives, he calls them to a place of repentance for the corruption in the nation. Focusing primarily on the day of the Lord, this strong book will show you the heart of God towards sin, justice and righteousness.


Week 33: Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk & Psalm 31 - 40

a prophetic call

Are you battling with the timing or plans of God?  Habukkuk is prophesying to the people of Judah calling them to remain faithful no matter what happens in the future.

psalm 31 - 40

Week 33: Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk & Psalm 31 - 40

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 34: Jeremiah 1 - 26
Week 35: Jeremiah 27 - 52


Prophesying just before and into the exile of the people of Judah, Jeremiah is a book of lament, honesty and frustration. This prophetic book will inspire you in your passion and love for God!


Week 36: Lamentations 1 - 15 & Psalm 42 - 55


Imagine being Jeremiah and watching the very thing you said come to pass in the destruction of the city you love. How would you feel? Well, you are going to find out how Jeremiah felt at that time as Lamentations are the writings of grief and sorrow that Jeremiah felt when the city of Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed.

psalm 42 - 55

Week 36: Lamentations 1 - 15 & Psalm 42 - 55

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.



Week 37: 1 Chronicles 1 - 29
Week 38: 2 Chronicles 1 - 36


These books are not to be missed. They are not just a repeat of the stories we have in Kings, the author of Chronicles shows us the faithfulness of God from creation to the time of the book of Ezra, and how he keeps his covenant promise to David.


Week 39: Daniel & Psalm 55 - 72

thrive no matter where you find yourself

How did the people that were sent into exile in the Books of 2 Kings feel? How did they feel being uprooted from their homes, put into new jobs, given new names, under a new king, under a new government and forced into a diferent way of living? How did they follow God in the enemy’s land?

Psalm 55 - 72

Week 39: Daniel & Psalm 55 - 72

open AND HONEST worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.

ezekiel PART I

Week 40: Ezekiel 1 - 22 & Psalm 73 - 80


Ezekiel is prophesying from exile with accuracy that scares even the most passionate sceptics. This book is full of visions that will inspire and challenge you. Prophesying over specific nations, Ezekiel takes you on a geographical journey of prophecy.

PSALM 73 - 80

Week 40: Ezekiel 1 - 22 & Psalm 73 - 80

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 41: Ezekiel 23 - 48 & Psalm 81 - 89


Ezekiel is prophesying from exile with accuracy that scares even the most passionate sceptics. This book is full of visions that will inspire and challenge you. Prophesying over specific nations, Ezekiel takes you on a geographical journey of prophecy.

PSALM 81 - 89

Week 41: Ezekiel 23 - 48 & Psalm 81 - 89

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 42: 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 & 2 Timothy


Sometimes we need a wake-up call that one day Jesus is coming back and when the final trumpet sounds, it is all over. If you need that stirring again, 1 & 2 Thessalonians are for you. They are full of End Times teaching about the Second Coming of Christ and the Antichrist, but don’t be scared off!

1&2 timothy

Week 42: 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 & 2 Timothy


Would you like to be mentored by Paul? You can be mentored by him as you read the letters of 1 & 2 Timothy. These incredible letters to one of his ‘sons’ in the faith is like a mentoring and pastoral session with Paul himself.


Week 43: Titus, Philemon, Hebrews & Jude

Changed people change a community

Another son of Paul, Titus is leading a church in Crete, one of the worst cities of the 1st Century. The question Paul answers in his letter is how do I live in Crete and remain a Christian?


Week 43: Titus, Philemon, Hebrews & Jude


This one is an unusual letter, but you are going to love getting to know the people in it. Paul is writing to Philemon to save one of Paul’s ‘sons’, Onesimus, and his cheeky request comes with everything that makes Paul amazing. The question you are going to ask yourself at the end of this letter is, ‘Did Philemon obey Paul?’


Week 43: Titus, Philemon, Hebrews & Jude


We don’t know who wrote this letter. Some say Paul, possibly Apollos, maybe Barnabas, but whoever it was, they were very smart, well versed in the scripture and incredible at showing how Jesus is far superior to anything found in the Old Testament. With some key chapters, including the pinnacle of faith, Hebrews 11, the author systematically shows how Jesus is ‘better’ than anything else.


Week 43: Titus, Philemon, Hebrews & Jude

the other brother speaks

Jude was another brother of Jesus, and his letter, though only one chapter long, is power-packed. Jude is addressing some false teachers that have come into the church, and he does not hold back. Explaining what will happen to those that teach false doctrine, he uses incredible imagery, angels, Michael and apocalyptic texts to convey his message.

PSALM 90 - 106

Week 44: Psalm 90 - 106

open and honest worship

Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.


Week 45: Esther & Ezra


Born for such a time as this; if you need some encouragement, this book is for you. Esther is set in the time of exile when the Israelites were living in the land of their enemies. Like Daniel, this book shows how Esther and Mordecai stayed faithful to God and how God uses them to save his people.


Week 45: Esther & Ezra


The last verses in 2 Chronicles are the first verses in Ezra, so continue the journey of the People of God as they come out of exile and rebuild the Temple and the Walls in Jerusalem. We begin the story with the people of Israel in exile. But now, as prophesied by Jeremiah, it’s time to come back.


Week 46: Nehemiah and Haggai


Continue the journey of the People of God as they come out of exile and rebuild the Temple and the Walls in Jerusalem. Follow Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah as they overcome the enemies to re-establish God’s Temple again.


Week 46: Nehemiah and Haggai


The book of Haggai is set in the time after the Israelites had been in exile, and Zerubbabel is called back to Jerusalem to build the temple. Because of their enemies, the building stopped for seventeen years, until Haggai steps in and stirs them again to begin to rebuild.

PSALM 107 - 150

Week 47: Psalm 107 - 132
Week 48: Psalm 133 - 150


Psalms is not a book that you read cover to cover, if you need a break from the book you are reading, jump into Psalms.  Come and worship, pray and sing with these incredible hymns.

proverbs Part I

Week 49: Proverbs 1 - 15

life in the wisdom of god

The first nine chapters are great to read in one hit as it sets you up in the character of Wisdom and Folly.  The rest can be taken in small doses - meditate on each scripture, like ointment it will change your thinking and give you wisdom that you need.


Week 50: Zechariah and Malachi

the levitical prophet

Prophesying just after Haggai, Zechariah picks up where Haggai left of. While Haggai encouraged the people to rebuild the temple, Zechariah is concerned about the spiritual worship that will be ofered in that temple. In a prophetic book like Revelation, this apocalyptic text has angels, chariots and visions that are beyond this world. You will love the book of Zechariah as he calls for a spiritual renewal of God’s people.


Week 50: Zechariah and Malachi

the last word

Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, casts the vision for the New Testament and the coming of the Messiah: Jesus! He prophesies after the completion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem to a post-exilic nation of Israel that have let the same corruptions and sin into their nation all over again. His words are filled with passion and love for God’s people. Declaring the future, Malachi is the last book and a great finish to the Old Testament, finalising a book of promises ready to be fulfilled in Christ.

PROVERBS 15 - 31

Week 51: Proverbs 15 - 31

life in the wisdom of god

The first nine chapters are great to read in one hit as it sets you up in the character of Wisdom and Folly.  The rest can be taken in small doses - meditate on each scripture, like ointment it will change your thinking and give you wisdom that you need.


Week 52: Revelation 1 - 22


This apocalyptic letter is a book of hope, you are not supposed to focus on the beast but on the beauty, worship and power of God in this book. This is about God restoring everything back to its original intention, this is about the future of our world, our future and the incredible hope and choice that awaits us.



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